General terms of use

Updated on 28/03/2022

1. Texts

Unless otherwise stated, the texts posted by ADEME on the website are available for re-use on all media (paper, electronic) in France, or on French websites or websites destined for the French territory.

This authorisation does not grant a licence. It is given on a limited basis and does not imply the right to adapt or modify the elements used. It may be withdrawn by ADEME at any time. In this respect, ADEME provides no guarantee of any kind, which the user expressly acknowledges.

Permission is given on condition that the user systematically and visibly indicates the source, as follows: Source: ADEME (www. In the event of re-use on digital media, a hypertext link to the ADEME website must be included.

The re-use may not be directly or indirectly commercial in nature. In case of doubt, the person who wishes to re-use a document is advised to contact ADEME.

This authorisation does not exempt the user from complying with the rights of third parties.

2. Videos

Users may, free of charge, view and share the videos available on via other electronic communications media. Users agree to access the videos only for streaming purposes so that the data is for real-time viewing and not for downloading (for either permanent or temporary use), copying, storage or redistribution.

3. Iconography: logos, trademarks, photographs, illustrations, Flash animations

The iconography elements (logos, trademarks, images, photographs, illustrations, Flash animations) reproduced on this site are the property of ADEME or their respective owners. Any use is prohibited without the explicit agreement of ADEME or the owners.

If you have signed a written contract with ADEME detailing how you may use its iconographic elements, you do not need to follow this approval procedure unless you wish to change the terms of use stated in your current contract.

Under no circumstances may the re-use of a document, the mention of ADEME or one of its distinctive elements, or the reference to its website, be considered to imply that ADEME has given its support or approval to the user’s products, services or activities, or has sponsored, accepted or endorsed them.

ADEME reserves the right to take action against any person who does not comply with these terms.


MilosStankovic/ E+ / via Getty Images

photoschmidt/ iStock / Getty Images Plus / via Getty Images

Dangubic / iStock / Getty Images Plus / via Getty Images

LeoPatrizi / E+ / via Getty Images

StockRocket/ iStock / Getty Images Plus / via Getty Images

tampatra / iStock / Getty Images Plus /  via Getty Images

alvarez / E+ / via Getty Images

AerialPerspective Works / E+ / via Getty Images

Jenson/ iStock / Getty Images Plus / via Getty Images

pixdeluxe/ E+ / via Getty Images

Request for authorisation

Requests for authorisation should be sent via each request:
– describe the purpose of the request;
‐ specify the Internet page on which the document is located (copy of the URL);
– detail the purpose for which the document is to be used.

© 2022 – ADEME – All rights reserved – General terms of use of documents available on ADEME websites