To win the climate battle, we support innovation and research up to the application and sharing of solutions. As such, we advise, facilitate and help finance many projects of companies, local authorities, associations and doctoral students related to the ecological transition.
In this page:
- National funds accelerate the ecological transition
- The France 2030 Investment Plan
- The ecological component of the recovery plan
- The terms of allocation of our aid systems
National funds accelerate the ecological transition
ADEME is an important vector for the massification of solutions and the mobilisation of stakeholders. As such, we have several financing levers. Through the Renewable Heat Fund, the Circular Economy Fund and the Air-Mobility Fund, we finance all stages, from research to development to industrialisation, including demonstrators.
Our funding
On our dedicated platform, project leaders can consult all of our support systems and submit their application file.
Discover all our funding on Acting for the ecological transition (in French)
+ €85 million under the low-carbon heat recovery plan + €150 million under the resilience plan
+ €236 million under the recovery plan
Renewable Heat Fund
The Renewable Heat Fund
The purpose of the Heat Fund is to develop renewable heat production facilities and heating networks in collective housing, local authorities and businesses in order to reach the national target of 32 % RE by 2030. We intervene in terms of financing, studies, project management assistance, training, communication and evaluation.
The Circular Economy Fund
The Circular Economy Fund supports the implementation of the waste and circular economy policy in France. The aim is to support local authorities and guide the behaviour of stakeholders through investment in sorting, recycling and recovery facilities as well as prevention actions.
proposed the separate collection of biowaste to 4 million inhabitants in 2020
applied incentive pricing on 1st January 2020, representing 5.9 million inhabitants
affected by incentive pricing is the objective set by the law on the energy transition for green growth by 2025
The France 2030 Investment Plan
ADEME also relies on the State’s major investment plans, such as the Investments for the Future Pogramme, the Recovery Plan and today the France 2030 plan.
The France 2030 plan, launched in October 2021, offers unprecedented ways to meet ecological, economic, industrial and social challenges. This innovation and industry plan aims to sustainably transform key sectors of our economy (energy, automotive, aeronautics, digital and space) and to position France as a leader by bringing out future technological champions.
France 2030 builds on the achievements of the Investments for the Future Programmes (Programmes d’investissements d’avenir – PIA), and in particular PIA 4 endowed with €20 billion that it integrates and exceeds in ambitions and means. In total, France 2030 mobilises €54 billion to ensure that companies, universities and research organisations fully succeed in their transitions in strategic sectors.
“Investing in the ecological transition means preparing for the future but also restoring our competitiveness, participating in the dynamism of the regions, creating jobs and improving the quality of life of our fellow citizens.“
— Baptiste Perrissin Fabert, Executive Director of ADEME’s Expertise and Programmes
Building on the success of the Investments for the Future Programme and the Recovery Plan, ADEME has been confirmed by the State as operator of France 2030. It is in charge of appraising and financing innovations and industrialisations, through calls for proposals based on the following areas: decarbonisation of industry, decarbonised hydrogen, recycling, bio-based products, decarbonisation of mobility, renewable energies, sustainable city and wood-forest.
The ecological component of the recovery plan
The 2021-2022 recovery plan devotes €2 billion to the ecological transition. It aims to support businesses in a green recovery objective, and to improve knowledge and development of the economic benefits related to the climate challenge.
The ecological component of the recovery plan focuses in particular on the decarbonisation of industry (€1.2 billion), the development of hydrogen (€625 million), the development of the circular economy (€500 million), support for SMEs engaged in the ecological transition (€45 million) and the low-carbon transition of agriculture (€10 million). Endowed with €50 million, the Sustainable Tourism Fund, led by ADEME, supports the development of tourism with a positive economic, social and environmental impact.
Particular attention to research funding
Our financial aid enables us to support projects over the long term, from research into new knowledge to research demonstrators to industrial projects. We also support research projects through the Calls for Research Proposals (CRPs) and support doctoral students in their thesis projects.
The terms of allocation of our aid systems
Our financial aid to companies, local authorities, research organisations and advocacy structures covers four areas of intervention:
- Reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,
- Developing renewable energies and the circular economy,
- Converting brownfields and polluted sites,
- Improving indoor and outdoor air quality.