Our organisation

ADEME participates in the construction of national and local policies for ecological transition. For this, we rely on our teams, present throughout France, and on a budget dedicated to our means of intervention. Our missions, organisation and operation are set out in the French Environmental Code.

In this page :

ADEME is a French public agency under the joint authority of the Ministry for an Ecological Transition, Ministry of Energy and Ministry for Higher Education and Research.

Presence throughout France

We are present in the regions and overseas territories, close to the ground.

Our head office is in Angers. ADEME has more than 1,000 employees spread over:

  • 3 sites for central departments, in Angers (49), Paris (75) and Valbonne (06);
  • 17 regional directorates (13 in mainland France and 4 overseas). This represents 26 locations (some directorates have several sites) throughout the country;
  • 3 representations in the overseas territories (Polynesia, New Caledonia and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon).

The different directorates of the agency are:

  • foresight and Research Executive Directorate;
  • expertise and Programmes Executive Directorate;
  • territories Executive Directorate;
  • mobilisation for Ecological Transition Executive Directorate;
  • EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) sectors supervision Directorate;
  • general Secretariat;
  • Europe and international directorates;
  • the Human Resources Department.

Created in 2018 as part of the future investment programme, ADEME Investment is a company wholly owned by the French government. It finances innovative infrastructure projects in the field of energy and ecological transition, alongside with private investors.

Go to “ADEME Investissement” website to learn more


ADEME’s budget provides for revenue and expenditure in the form of commitment authorities (CAs) and payment appropriations (PAs) that are approved by the Board of Directors.

The initial 2024 budget of ADEME

ADEME forecasts €1149 million in revenue:

  • €839 million in subsidies for public service charges within the framework of programme 181 “risk prevention” included in the draft finance law for 2024;
  • €173 million in funding received from the French government for the recovery plan entrusted to ADEME by the Ministry of Ecological Transition;
  • €82 million in own revenues (Energy Savings Certificates scheme, training, symposia, incentive on financial returns from the investments for the future programme, etc.);
  • €37 million in subsidies under the Green Fund
  • €18 million in subsidies contracted with the European Union, the State or local and regional authorities.

Added to this are credits managed on behalf of third parties, earmarked to finance :

  • France 2030 (€803 million);
  • the stimulus plan’s industrial decarbonization fund (€128 million) ;
  • European contracts (€1.5 million).

Allocation of ADEME commitment authorities:

  • €1373 million in commitment authorities for the incentive budget from budgetary appropriations;
  • €220 million in commitment authorities for the the Green Fund;
  • €144 million in specific commitments from the own resources budget (including national and international contracts, management fees for the industry decarbonisation fund, management fees for investments for the future and the co-financed part of theses).

To this are added €11 million of expenditure authorities for the annexed budget dedicated to the supervisory body for the Extended Producer Responsibility sectors and €137m for ADEME’s resources budget, which covers the following structural requirements: staff costs (other than doctoral students) and the agency’s day-to-day running costs (rent, travel, logistics, supplies, maintenance, insurance, etc.) as well as capital expenditure (purchase of vehicles and IT equipment, buildings, etc.).

Distribution of the incentive budget according to ADEME’s major intervention programmes:

  • €820 million for the “Renewable heat” programme;
  • €300 million for the “Circular economy and waste” programme;
  • €39 million for the “Territorial energy/climate initiatives” programme;
  • €33 million for the “Research” programme;
  • €31 million for the “Air/mobility” programme;
  • €28 million for the “Making expertise, tools and data available“ programme;
  • €26 million for the “Coastal landfills” programme;
  • €24 million for the “Polluted and brownfield sites” programme;
  • €20 million for the “Hydrogen” programme;
  • €19 million for the “Building” programme;
  • €33 million for the other programmes.


ADEME expects €1.215 million in budgetary expenditure (payment appropriations):

  • Operating budget: €140 million, broken down as follows:
    • Operating expenses: €25 million;
    • Personnel expenses: €106 million;
    • Investment expenses: €9 million
  • Incentive budget associated with ADEME’s major intervention programs: €1.075 billion, primarily dedicated to intervention expenses (€893 million).

France 2030

Since 2010, ADEME has been a key operator of the future investment programme, which is 100% funded by the French government. This role has been reinforced several times with additional funds and in 2021 with the implementation of PIA4 and France 2030. These operations are managed on behalf of third parties and are subject to their own rules and governance.

In 2024, the France 2030 plan has been allocated €8.4 billion for a period of 5 years. It focuses on the following 10 themes

  • decarbonising industry;
  • renewable energies;
  • decarbonised mobility;
  • recyclability;
  • bio-based products and sustainable fuels;
  • hydrogen;
  • buildings;
  • digital responsibility;
  • forestry and wood;
  • water.

Our bodies and statutes

Our missions, organisation and operation are set out in the French Environmental Code.

ADEME has two governing bodies: a board of directors and a scientific council.

Board of Directors

Through its deliberations, the Board of Directors approves ADEME’s main strategic and budgetary orientations. The members hold office for a period of five years, which is extendable for another term of five years.

In addition to the Chairman of ADEME, M. Sylvain WASERMAN, the Board of Directors consists of 28 members:

  • eleven representatives of the State, along with the interministerial delegate for sustainable development or their representative and the Director-General of the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion or their representative;
  • one Member of Parliament and one Senator; 
  • four representatives of local and regional authorities; 
  • five qualified specialists (representatives of environmental protection associations and representatives of interested professional groups);
  • six representatives from ADEME staff.

The Scientific Council

The Scientific Council guides ADEME’s scientific policy and provides insights and opinions on ADEME’s research and development strategy. Thus, it is consulted on the programmes and actions undertaken by ADEME in the framework of this strategy. Its position is communicated to the Board of Directors and to the responsible ministers.

Chaired by Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier, the Scientific Council is a committee of 15 members from the research, teaching and private sectors. They are appointed for five years by the Minister of State, Minister for Ecological Transition and Solidarity, and the Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

Delegations of signing authority

To contribute to the functioning of ADEME, the Chairman of the Board of Directors grants delegations of signing authority.